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The first NEST meeting took place in the splendid city of Istanbul, from 12th to 18th January and it was hosted at TICARET ODASI BILIM VE SANT MERKEZI SCHOOL. We were welcomed by the Headmaster, Huseyin   Hilmi Akalin, and by the teachers Eda, Sakine, Zeynep and many others. We were able to socialize and spend very pleasant and fun moments all together, involved in competitions and in the traditional games presented by each partner. In fact the theme was COMMUNICATION THROUGH TRADITIONAL GAMES. There were many moments of active work in which we could exchange and share some experiences and different cultural aspects. In addition, they took us to visit the most beautiful sights of Istanbul, its historical center and the Koch Museum. It was a wonderful sightseeing tour of the city!!.

Over 30 people, including students and teachers coming from the European countries, took part in this experience. We have made new friends and productive forms of collaboration were born  that will make this project only the first step towards a new concept of global, European and shared education in the spirit of ERASMUS +.

The next trip and meeting will take place in Moreni, Romania, from the 1st   to the 7th March.

Let’s keep on working and have a nice trip to all!


Il 1° meeting NEST si è tenuto dal 12 al 18 gennaio nella splendida città di ISTANBUL, ospiti della SCUOLA TICARET ODASI BILIM VE SANAT MERKEZI . Siamo stati accolti dal DS Huseyin Hilmi Akalin e dalle colleghe Eda, Sakine, Zeynep e molti altri; abbiamo potuto socializzare e passare momenti divertenti insieme, sfidandoci con i giochi tradizionali presentati da ogni partner. Infatti il tema trattato è stato COMMUNICATION THROUGH TRADITIONAL GAMES. Oltre ai molti momenti di lavoro attivo e di condivisioni di esperienze e culture, i nostri ospiti ci hanno accompagnato nella visita dei bellissimi monumenti di Istanbul, del suo centro storico e del museo Koch. E’ stato un meraviglioso viaggio!

Hanno partecipato oltre 30 tra studenti e insegnanti provenienti dai paesi Europei. Sono nate amicizie e collaborazioni che faranno di questo progetto solo il primo passo verso un concetto di educazione globale, europea e condivisa nello spirito dell’Erasmus +.

Il prossimo viaggio ed incontro si terrà a Moreni in Romania dal 1 al 7 marzo.

Buon lavoro e buon viaggio a tutti!!